Let’s talk: Next season of SCS in a Nutshell
The numbers of viewers on our nutshell format continue to amaze us. When we did our first Swiss Cyber Storm in a Nutshell double-interview in October 2020, the success was immediately visible. It felt like we had hit a niche here and the extended interviews on cyber security topics with a decidedly Swiss perspective addressed an obvious interest.
Meanwhile we have done four editions:
SCS in a Nutshell 1: With Florian Schütz and Edouard Bugnon
SCS in a Nutshell 2: Raphael Arrouas and Tobias Ospelt
SCS in a Nutshell 3: Thomas Süssli and Myriam Dunn Cavelty
SCS in a Nutshell 4: Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Jonas Wagner
The interviews are also available as podcast:
We want to continue this successful series and it’s time to look into the next season.
And we’d like to discuss this with you, the SCS audience: What are the relevant topics for you? Who should we invite? How many editions would you listen to? Is this still the right format?
This is going to happen on Zoom Nov 30, 21:00. Please get in touch via mail at christian.folini@swisscyberstorm.com if you want to join and I’ll send you the link.